FFPE-EPO - Providing the EPO with a different view
What is the FFPE-EPO?
- FFPE-EPO is a union in the EPO, The Hague branch.
FFPE-EPO stands for Fédération de la Fonction Publique Européenne of the European Patent Office
- FFPE-EPO is affiliated with our European umbrella organisation the FFPE (Fédération de la Fonction Publique Européenne), a European federation founded in 1962.
For more information on the FFPE, please consult their website www.ffpe.org - FFPE-EPO believes that staff is served best by a constructive approach towards decision makers as this reflects the common interest that ultimately underlies any understanding between staff and higher management: a good future for everyone.
Why a second union in the EPO?
FFPE-EPO was founded on March 7th 2008, by staff of various nationalities in The Hague that felt the need for new representation -a feeling shared by many colleagues- with new visions, developing new ways of representing your and everyone’s interests, including that of the Office.
We furthermore are convinced that proper democratic representation requires the possibility of choice.
We also think that the EPO needs a good way to negotiate employment conditions not based on conflict but rather through a properly negotiated framework agreement between unions and the organisation. The memorandum of understanding signed in march 2016 is a good example of such a framework agreement.
What does the FFPE-EPO stand for?
FFPE-EPO believes that staff is served best by a constructive approach towards decision makers as this reflects the common interest that ultimately underlies any understanding between staff and higher management: a good future for everyone.
The following keywords should give you a glimpse of our general principles:
Equal Treatment
Honesty & Openness
Legal Security & Protection
Working Conditions & Environment
Not only for The Hague!
At the same time we actively support and encourage staff in those sites to set up similar FFPE affiliated unions as well. Get in touch with us if you want to know more about this!
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