February 2025


March 16th, 2017

Committee FFPE EPO

The new composition of the FFPE EPO committee is as follows: Aldert de Haan: Chairman Samuel van der Bijl: Vice Chairman Gyorgy Vida: Secretary Michiel Sonius: Treasurer Andrey Afanasiev: Vice Secretary

January 24th

FFPE-EPO - Providing the EPO with a different view

What is the FFPE-EPO?

  • FFPE-EPO is a union in the EPO, The Hague branch.
  • FFPE-EPO stands for Fédération de la Fonction Publique Européenne of the European Patent Office
  • FFPE-EPO is affiliated with our European umbrella organisation the FFPE (Fédération de la Fonction Publique Européenne), a European federation founded in 1962.

FFPE Committee

The FFPE Committee is since Februray 2016 composed of the following members:

Marleen Kroeders: Chairman;
Aldert de Haan: Treasurer;
Patrick Kools: Secretary;

April 13th, 2016

Elections FFPE-EPO Committee 2016

At the time of closure of candidatures, 5 valid candidature forms have been received by the Election Committee. The names of the candidates in alphabetical order are: Andrey Afanasiev; Aldert Jan de Haan; Michiel Sonius; Samuel van der Bijl; Gyorgy Vida Elections will be held on Tuesday 19 April. Voting in person will be possible from 11:45-13:45 hours in Rijswijk (Location to be determined). If you are not able to vote in person, you can request to vote by post by sending a mail to the Election Committee. The Election Committee will send you envelopes and a voting slip.

March 3rd

Press communiqué of Federal FFPE Bureau

Statement by the Federal Bureau of the FFPE FFPE signs Memorandum of Understanding with the European Patent Office Brussels, 2 March 2016 The Federal Bureau of the European Civil Service Federation (Fédération de la fonction publique européenne (FFPE)) welcomes the signing today, Wednesday 2 March 2016, of an historic Memorandum of Understanding between the FFPE branch at the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Office’s President, Benoît Battistelli.

November 30th, 2008

First Meeting, 2nd April 2008

During our first informational meeting held on April 2nd 2008, the Chairman of the FFPE-EPO  presented several key points of our new union to a captive audience.

This presentation is available in the area of this website restricted to EPO staff


Membership of FFPE-EPO is open to :

  • anyone employed as functionary of the European Patent Office
  • retired functionaries of the European Patent Office

If you wish to join the FFPE-EPO, fill in and return to us the following application form.

Current membership fees are set at eur 40,- for grades G1-G9, and eur 80,- for others. Pensioners pay a reduced fee of € 20,-.



The FFPE-EPO is an association registered under Dutch law with the Chamber of Commerce of The Hague. As such, our statutes are registered with a notary public.

An unofficial English translation of the statutes can be found here.


November 25th


Our policy is currently focussed on six main topics:
  • Unions, Staff Representation & Social Partner
  • Pensions & Salaries
  • Legal Security and Equal Treatment
  • Patent quality
  • Health & Safety
  • European School

You can find a more detailed exploration of these key issues here, in the part of our website restricted to EPO staff.